[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

in conclusion we have learned nothing of value and our life is a lie

it’s a reference to the previous game. the village faction was called society, the mafia faction was called gamers. however, there were people who were part of the society faction whose goal was in fact wolf-alligned, and vice versa

I have learned that today i was put in Gay baby jail

given there are 20 factions in this game it’s not a stretch to assume that faction has almost nothing to do with allignment

clearly @ElectraHeart is the Deviant

ah i comprehend

Only 1 purchase?
come on people

imagine having money
couldn’t be me

i’m using village to refer to uninformed majority and wolf to refer to informed minority and will only be using faction names when it’s mechanically relevant

Vulgard now can blow up either Amelia or Conduit


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okay blizer i’m tired of this masquerade
why are you claiming to be in gay baby jail when i know you aren’t

very susp of where vulgard got that money :potable_water:


why u do dis

to me.

gay baby jail appears to be some kind of neighborhood

because i see no possible benefit to claiming to be in gay baby jail when you aren’t

I don’t care if the money is dirty
Just give it to me


why u ruin what i was trying to do

hot take: Arete scum

you may aswell say what you were trying to do now

what were you trying to do