[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

are you alright Mist

Cheeki has the triforce of power

I have been turned to dust

Calamity Ganon has killed all

This event will last until EoD or until there is nobody but one left



i’m not so sure at this point but i’m like, 80% sure it’s just me being tired

this is some pretty intense gaming

i have been disgraced

Vote Count

Voted Voters Count
Icibalus Cheeki, Conduit 2/12
Arete whathaveidone, leafia 2/12
Cantaloupe Arete 1/12
Mistyx ElectraHeart 1/12
Amelia Amelia 1/12
Vulgard ATNoName 1/12
ArcticXI Mistyx 1/12
Mot Blizer, Icibalus ???
HonkMan min ???
Not Voting an_gorta_pratai, Marluxion, Cantaloupe, KyoDaz, EliThePsycho, Emilia, Clonedcheese, Vulgard, Amelia, Arctic, Light.

Mot, Strickland_Propane, HonkMan, Specchat


Grace and me busy today

She didn’t post while i was gone



she likes to talk to me about playing more than posting

Grace don’t read this


I challenge @Whathaveidone to rock-paper-scissors.
If you accept, I will choose paper.

anyway Arete still scum

I don’t want to drown Grace out


I’m not a good teacher if you don’t play


I will let my sister know of this challenge


Isn’t the most logical thing to do to deny all challenges for as long as possible? :thinking:

wait I think she already went to sleep


You’re still half a slot
Do you accept, mortal???!?!??!?!!?!?!??!?!??!?!???!?!??!?!?!??!?!??!

1 Like

no !






sort by post count become Icibalus expert

(a.k.a., even if he weren’t already clear from the content of his posts, which he is, he’s also clear from volume + being Ici)

get gamered