[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

i’m the same
i’m not town but i have to defeat the scum so i think i’m functionally town

Arete is lock town from this post never rescinding

hello marl

good to know some people know their wincons


actually my setup read is that people probably shouldn’t know their wincons? but whatever

i wish it hit me

My role is fucking chaos incarnate so you might get your chance
i might also self destruct the town

who wants to fight me in a rock paper scissors battle to the death

what makes you think I would

  1. do this in the thread if I don’t have to
  2. actually have the money for it instead of pretending


is your role able to do a nerf this

I am a different faction from gamer and it says I have to defeat all scum, so I assume that I am town unless my wincon is lying to me

but my role doesn’t make sense from a scum PoV

so you’re an ungamer?

@Arete what’s that black knight thing about?

as a hearthstone gamer you are legally obligated to kill the ungamer
i will sheep you



also emilia is probably an antitown role

this is a gamer 2-post read
trust me 100% accuracy confirmed

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/vote Emilia

i want to rps duel someone
who wants to fight me irl

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