[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

So you disagree with her read

Why does that mean it was in bad faith

ok but how though

and that whole trust tell thing goes in the garbage for me, it means nothing to me

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this is acceptable


i dont think Misty was wolfy with her list and was pushing those slots for lynches for reasons that she views to applicable in her perspective

i dont think it was in bad faith, and her reasonsings werent bad, but they werent super solid either

Didnt someone say that was their villa meta

@Mistyx what’s your opinion on vul

why are we debating mist’s allignment when they’re blatantly in their village meta

slight wolf but im getting baited by their ate

would not kill today, would consider copvigging

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That WASNT even just leafias

I was explaining as whole

Like when they read conduit for doing what basically half of the playerlist was doing

reading eli because of what he does normally

Scumreading me for “my reactions” that were entirely jokes

Ah yes I seriously believe you should die instead of ___


there was that whole argument about whether or not them conforming to some kind of ‘trust tell’ after they were called out on it is scummy or NAI.
I’m pretty sure we came to the conclusion it meant nothing

here is what I think about vul Variable Universal Life (VUL) Insurance Definition

i’m more inclined to believe that vul is Just A Wolf:tm:

I swear from games I read with Min in them min is very defensive when pushed on so it’s not AI to me joycat

Before conversion in Deus EX min was very defensive when pushed iirc

Min still null for me tho

okay so

who else was doing what conduit was doing then

and your reactions may have been joke reactions but they were still bad ones because you kept trying to shut me down instead of engaging in productive conversation

I disagree with this statement. Lynching is what the minority want you to do because they are manipulating the votes! We cannot allow this to happen. Solving our problems through murder and violence is a terrible mindset to have. Our best choice is to solve this politically.
As the leader of the Town, I will solve all internal disputes and expose those that strive to be corrupt or harm the majority.
Put your faith in me, for I will lead this town to enlightenment!



how does meme reactions equal shutting down conversation wtf

i havent played with mist before, so i dont know their meta

from my PoV, i dont think they are super wolfy and while they are taking a defensive tone regarding her actions and posts, its not really wolfy to me

so townlean atm

is this even a person? is this a chatbot or something? lol


oh my god

okay hold on