[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

also successfully installed ssd pogchamp


One of the things that we must discuss is regarding the possibility, and likelihood, of wrongly accusing and eliminating an innocent person. Everyone loves to accuse each other in order to help the Town progress in their own way. However, this is not a viable choice, as it will lead to many disruptions among each other as we do not have teamwork, nor cooperation. Due to this miscoordination, this makes the people vulnerable to the minority’s propaganda. They wish to sabotage the votes and politically destabilize democracy, which has succeeded.

Although, some people gasp at the though that they would be manipulated because of their stubbornness and pride. There must be awareness that their thinking is incorrect and must seek to perform the optimal choices to help support the town and eliminate anyone who wants to do harm. There have been many cases in which the people have accused someone of evildoing, but once they have made their choice to brutally execute an innocent person, they realize that it was an incredible mistake to jump to conclusions. This event will happen again if it is not stopped.

We must work together and unite to cooperate, coordinate, and utilize teamwork to achieve our common goal, to bring peace to the town. Becoming a murderer would do the opposite of that, as it will give rise to violence and lead to chaos. Instigating murderers will make us just as evil.

Counterpoint: only way we can kill scum other than perhaps extra kill power is via executing people via democracy
you’re basically saying we should just roll over and lose

This would mean you are submitting to this system of voting forced upon us. We must do everything possible to stop this oppression. The best way to do so is by pledging allegiance to one sole power, me.
By providing me with control over everything, I will be capable of coordinating everything that happens, including lynches and night actions. This plan must be implemented by ensuring everyone places there full trust in me and follow my every word without any amount of doubt.

Suspicions against each other shall be entirely halted, and the Town shall come to peace.

That is inherently faulty, as that would actually decrease our chances of surviving if the scum knew our actions ahead of time as they could plan around them

The first step of establishing the perfect town is to place me into power by ensuring that there is unanimous agreement of supreme leadership under my rule. By doing so, this will provide plenty of flexibility to resist against the minority’s influence. Especially when it comes to misinformation.
Instead of allowing the scum to control us, we will be the ones controlling the scum.

didn’t you know that any and all displays of emotion in a mafia game must be :joy_cat: ate?

hi Vul


Slots I have reads on

if you’re not on the list it means I don’t feel strongly enough about you to have a read either way

or that I forgot you existed

which probably means I don’t have a strong read on you

people I think are town (this section is roughly tiered)

Icibalus - his posts don’t make me want to die so he’s a villager his thoughts have been reasonable and non-agenda-y, also he feels like he’s enjoying the game which he doesn’t as W

Mist - she’s been reasonably invested in this game, her case on Min is good and plausibly out of her wolfrange (…probably not actually out of her wolf range but her having a decent case that she cares a lot about on D1 is a good sign)

Emilia - is having lots of original thoughts, which is >>rand V for her. Also thought it was townie how she got mad at me for using this read on her.

Gorta - weak read but I unironically think that one post that Arctic called out (I forget the postnum) is villagery

why do I have literally four townreads :joy_cat:

town-or-Lying Darkness-read

ElectraHeart - the thing about not having a rolecard is probably V-AI if true and would be really weird to make up, but their rolefishing feels kind of icky and we have strong reason to suspect that a Lying Darkness exists.

people I need to see something specific from to evaluate their alignment

Leafia - needs to have an original thought, if she doesn’t produce any by tomorrow kill her

Kyo - needs, like, any reads

sulitdra - the handful of Grace posts have been townie but there haven’t been very many of them, sulit’s been playing in her wolf meta but I think that might be because she wants to take a backseat to her sister? this hydra either needs more Grace, or needs sulit to come do townlit things. GTH still V but only because of Grace and things sulit’s said about Grace

you are mafia, die

Min - Mist’s case is reasonable and their response kind of sucked, also it might or might not be AI but if they’re going to respond to pressure by ATEing then they can die. least confident read in this tier.

Cob - does not normally need to be coerced into voting no-elim, him being hesitant to suggest it + not explaining why is really weird and I don’t see a town motivation

Vulgard - I have a soulread on him and his soul is not a villager’s soul. More seriously, even accounting for the fact that he apparently said pregame that he was going to meme more, he has a low depth of thought in his actual posts. His self-aware OMGUS of my read on him is also not great.

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my pure faith in arete’s cob read didn’t even net me a townlean

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deadly shot why did you fail me

besides yourself do you have any other reads you want to try to sell me on

icibalus scummy


sure a take

why do you think that

Thank you kanye very cool

okay faking quotes is bad but that one’s kinda funny you’ve gotta admit

because he didn’t give an obnoxiously long reason for his first read

hey sometimes my reads are a reasonable length
not always but sometimes

wait just a dang ol minute