[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

@Icibalus Do you have the ability to kill a player at night

this is EXTREMELY important that it’s you specifically

you dont need to say whether you’re scum or town

@Icibalus If YOU SPECIFICALLY perform a kill on Cheeki tonight, i will give you a dayvig to use on whoever you want tomorrow. Regardless of your alignment

You don’t need to respond to me just do it

what kind of a role is this
then again it is clown fiesta so :wowee:

That is incredibly specific what the fuck

I have an alternate wincon where I become a god of RNG if the player one slot above me kills the player three below me.
AKA Ici Kills Cheeki

and it has to happen on N1 otherwise im just lame ass town with internalized chaos

I think it’s expected that i get lucky but there’s no law saying i can’t ask Ici to kill Cheeki :triumph:


so you’re a neutral with that wincon that turns into a VT on n2?

no i’m a town with a passive where if i get lucky i win and can do whatever i want with my newfound power

basically what that means

seems kinda neutral-y to me

not VT though
I have a fuckton of abilities that i have no idea what to do with

why would ici do that as town then
if doing what you ask allows you to not have the town wincon

also i should say at SoD2 instead of N2


it allows me to WIN
meaning i have no reason not to help Ici if he literally wins me the game

or we could not and force you to win as town