[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Zombies will think we are one of them


thank god

Sounds sort of risky.

But if the dude does turn into a zombie then maybe

It was so inappropriate but I swear it was an accident and it was auto correct

It worked on the walking dead donā€™t see the problem here

FK we all know that was another role soft you can stop pretending.

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Welp itā€™s been 15 minutes letā€™s see what happens.


Tie him up

Doesnā€™t turn into zombie, make him a slave and eat him up later

Turns into zombie, remove all his teeth and stuff.

By the way, when we lynch people can we feed them to our friend mod the zombie?

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I am survivor and gonna side with town

/vote Lymphoma

When we lynch then letā€™s feed them to ourselves k thx.
Also lmao Lymphoma lock clear never rescind.

Isnā€™t virtually everyone a survivor other than the traitors?

@NinjaPenguin, give this person the link to the reads list and have them catch up with us, okay?

This is what we call a townslip. :+1:

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Also for some reason I feel like this is a non-traitor slip.

Townslips arenā€™t a thing. Lymph very easily could have faked it. In fact I think they probably did.

The rolecards are green, when has a green role card EVER not been Town.

Where the fuck dideveee go

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