[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

No no no. The two words are NOT synonyms.

now i really gotta go prepare for the con.
ill talk more on the ride there

They are

i really dont care if their synonyms by definition.
i use them the same way

If you think they are, youā€™re wrong. Wolfiness encompasses far more than pure suspicion.

Hey guys

If [STRAWMAN], then why isnā€™t [RED HERRING]?

Could it be that [NON-SEQUITUR]?


shut up Blue

Thatā€™s a curious reaction.

Alright Iā€™ll just hard scumread everyone that uses trustworthy from now on.

Iā€™m trying not to get annoyed here but youā€™re basically strawmanning my own argument. An important thing to recognise about my arguments is that it dosenā€™t matter what words somebodyā€™s using if they imply something odd when unusual ones are used.

The fact that sulit said trustworhty is NOT the suspicous part. The suspicious part is that he refferred to things through the lens not of allignment but of PERCEIVED ALLIGNMENT, which indicates an agenda.

Cā€™mon man, Iā€™m trustworthy! You can trust me! I am in no way suspicious!

ā€¦Iā€™m bored and waiting for DnD. Someone send aid.

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i shouldnā€™t have to explain this kind of thing. If somebodyā€™s word choice changes the tone to refer to appearances rather than appearances/allignemnt or just allignment then theyā€™re probbably a wolf!

I used the words on purpose, by the way, to prove that the superficial point about the words being wolfy was NOT what I was going for.

I donā€™t know man

I just used a different word

Of course, but the reason youā€™re a wolf is why you did that!

Your entire play this game has been based entirely around surface-level appearances, and for you thatā€™s enough to convince you of something, indicating that either youā€™re really bad at reading people or (much more likely) you know the right answer and youā€™re trying to arrive at the wrong one.


Pointless Request: When I start reading into word choices and such, it is not the actual words I find wolfy. Iā€™m reading into the oddities of the word choices, figuring out how they arose and thus arriving at a motivation. It seems like people always read my reasoning but donā€™t read my conclusion beyond allignment, and that makes it very easy to be wrong by strawmanning any good arguments i happen to have.

He doesnā€™t need that time to be a good player fyi. He needs that time for me to get an accurate read on him.

Except Iā€™m almost wondering is sulit is TWTBAW because Iā€™m crazy and also what wolf is openly going to not wanting to work with the town. Regardless Iā€™ll PL a player that isnā€™t going to work for the benefit of the group so :man_shrugging: /vote sulit

Whatā€™s led you to think this?

Simonā€™s almost always v btw.

It is also your scum meta to aggressively tunnel villagers D1 and try to pivot that into towncred.

Do you TR Boss?

ninja if iā€™m wolf Iā€™ll be outed tommorow, and you know it.