[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Is our win condition to help each other


I have wincon to get rid of traitors so I am going to treat it as such

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Speak for yourself, chief.

My win con is to find a cure, escape to Canada, or survive till spring

Finding a cure? I can do by myself and will be easier by myself

Escape? Even easier!

Survive till spring? Yeah you all can do whatever itā€™ll be way, way easier to do that myself

My point is, itā€™s eeasier to achieve all 3 goals on my lonesome.

I donā€™t have to share stuff with you

back and pkr that wasnā€™t scummy, youā€™re fine

if sulit isnā€™t working with the colony heā€™s against it

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Itā€™s easier to win by sharing resources actually.
That way we could for example get a school bus, gas and all necessary things to escape to Canada.

What happened To heavy anti wincon claiming mechanic

Not really. By sharing, Iā€™m giving away stuff that could be used to help myself instead.

Reminder: This is an empty promise. Some people, whether they are town or scum, will deviate from this plan. Soā€¦ donā€™t be surprised if anyone goes anywhere else.
This is just done so that we have an overview at the generalized plan.

--- --- ---

Visiting Chart
Player Location Notes
astand ???
BlueStorm Colony
Boss110 Supermarket
Cheeki Air Drop
DasModel Police Station
Firekitten Gas Station
Fossil Police Station
H_Hja Library Supplies
Hippolytus Gas Station
Htm Air Drop
Icibalus Library Supplies
Magnus Hospital Nurse; Double Supplies
NinjaPenguin Colony Because I feel like it
PokemonKidRyan Hospital I can run for supplies in case people get injured
Simon ??? Claims to have a plan
SirDerpsALot Supermarket
sulit Colony
WazzaAzza Library Supplies
Zone_Q11 ???

--- --- ---

Locations Zombies Amount Players
Colony SAFE (3/21) NP, Blue, sulit
Library FEW (3/4) Wazza, Ici, Hja
Hospital SOME (2/5) Magnus, PKR
Gas Station SOME (2/3) FK, Hippo
Police Station SOME (2/4) Fossil, Das
Supermarket MANY (2/4) Derps, Boss
School MANY (0/5)
Air Drop (EVENT) MANY (2/4) Cheeki, Htm

--- --- ---

Unofficial VC

sulit - 6 - Ici, astand, Simon, Hippo, Cheeki, Hja
Boss110 - 2 - NP, FK
Firekitten - 2 - PKR, Hja, astand, Zone
No Lynch - 2 - sulit, FK, Htm
H_Hja - 1 - Boss, NP
Icibalus - 1 - sulit

BlueStorm - 0 - Hippo
Cheeki - 0 - Htm
Hippolytus - 0 - Zone, Cheeki
Htm - 0 - FK, Zone, Hippo, FK, Cheeki
Lymphoma - 0 - Hippo
Magnus - 0 - Wazza
NinjaPenguin - 0 - Zone
PokemonKidRyan - 0 - FK
SirDerpsALot - 0 - astand, Hippo
WazzaAzza - 0 - Poss

Possessed - 4 - Hippo, sulit, NP, Cheeki

Majority is reached upon 11 votes.

--- --- ---

Thereā€™s prob a traitor who is a claim vigi based off winconditions.
Or a neutral.

I think I have already mentioned somewhere that I am crazy?

Thatā€™s not my win condition though what

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if you donā€™t give the colony stuff, you die

even if you are survivor, you arenā€™t helping us, so youā€™re no better than a traitor

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Could be personal wincon?

No. Because when I die youā€™re one step closer to blowing up.

Yeah this game isnā€™t worth my time to debate

@sulit want to help me escape to Canada

By the way @NinjaPenguin, I read Ici as scummy, but his past actions have not brought any regression, and instead progression. So those factors even things out into a null read.

Can I come with you

Iā€™ll escape

You have to be mutually beneficial to me to come with