[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Zone if Das flips town I’ll let you kill me, so really it’s a win-win for you.

Like prove that there’s no narrative where he’s just misunderstanding the game that actually makes sense that is possible, and the only thing that could stop me from voting them is a thought that the read is TOO EASY in the back of my mind.

Ici, why do you think people who don’t scumread sulit vote for him?

I gain nothing from your death, and I read you as townie anyways.

because he’s being selfish and people read that as a good policy lynch

I thought I was annoying

/vote Dasmodel

lol ok

Legit tho guys this is the only confident read I’ve had all game, I’m super duper super certain dasmodel is a traitor.

Correct. Currently, Das is doing the same.
He chose sulit instead of Boss and Hja. He did this not because he wants to, but because he knows nothing to attack the other two.

You are, but fortunately you are as harmless as FK and I know nothing about you.

Reminder: This is an empty promise. Some people, whether they are town or scum, will deviate from this plan. So… don’t be surprised if anyone goes anywhere else.
This is just done so that we have an overview at the generalized plan.

--- --- ---

Visiting Chart
Player Location Notes
astand ???
BlueStorm Colony
Boss110 Supermarket
Cheeki Air Drop
DasModel Police Station
Firekitten Gas Station
Fossil Police Station
H_Hja Library Supplies
Hippolytus Gas Station
Htm Air Drop
Icibalus Library Supplies
Magnus Hospital Nurse; Double Supplies
NinjaPenguin Colony Because I feel like it
PokemonKidRyan Hospital I can run for supplies in case people get injured
Simon ??? Claims to have a plan
SirDerpsALot Supermarket
sulit Colony
WazzaAzza Library Supplies
Zone_Q11 ???

--- --- ---

Locations Zombies Amount Players
Colony SAFE (3/21) NP, Blue, sulit
Library FEW (3/4) Wazza, Ici, Hja
Hospital SOME (2/5) Magnus, PKR
Gas Station SOME (2/3) FK, Hippo
Police Station SOME (2/4) Fossil, Das
Supermarket MANY (2/4) Derps, Boss
School MANY (0/5)
Air Drop (EVENT) MANY (2/4) Cheeki, Htm

--- --- ---

Unofficial VC

sulit - 5 - Ici, astand, Simon, Hippo, Cheeki, Hja, PKR
DasModel - 5 - Zone, Hja, Hippo, sulit, Wazza
Boss110 - 2 - NP, FK
H_Hja - 1 - Boss, NP
No Lynch - 1 - sulit, FK, Htm

BlueStorm - 0 - Hippo, Hippo
Cheeki - 0 - Htm
Firekitten - 0 - PKR, Hja, astand, Zone
Hippolytus - 0 - Zone, Cheeki
Icibalus - 0 - sulit
Htm - 0 - FK, Zone, Hippo, FK, Cheeki
Lymphoma - 0 - Hippo
Magnus - 0 - Wazza
NinjaPenguin - 0 - Zone
PokemonKidRyan - 0 - FK
SirDerpsALot - 0 - astand, Hippo
WazzaAzza - 0 - Poss

Possessed - 4 - Hippo, sulit, NP, Cheeki

Majority is reached upon 11 votes.

--- --- ---


Get over here. We have a showdown between DasModel and sulit.

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I’m way cooler

Nah DasModel is definately scum and Sulit town, and there’s a small chance Ici is scum with Das imo.

You both do Fortnite dance whoever does better wins

Ici has nothing to do with this.

Chance Ici is scum with Das just rose by 20%

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5 damn minutes, and you only say this?
…kill this guy.

Once Das flips traitor I will accept responsibility as leader of the colony outpost and only reply to “General”

What if they flip town

Then I’m getting kneecapped by Zone