[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

This is me trying hard?

I agree with Ici that we still need to find the traitor but yeah, mechanical talk is still need. You know what? We can just have two groups, one search for the traitor blah blah while the other keep us alive and such

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perhaps not trying hard as town, but trying hard to seem it

Iā€™m in for this plan.

weā€™ve got ourselves a villager boys

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Saying ā€œhey guys heres a crazy idea lets try kill mafia in a Forum Mafia gameā€ isnt trying hard its just obvious lol

Then stop trying to shut down mechanical discussion to prevent me doing what Iā€™m good at, you essentially make survivors a man down.

What season are we in, anyway?

January 3rd. Winter.

No this is an FM game wtf the point is scumreading to find scum

Fine, but donā€™t claim to be MVP when Iā€™m standing next to 3 flipped wolves and youā€™ve just got some baked beans in a can.

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Yo guys.

Fuck this game

I just look back on my win condition and no where does it mention we win if traitors are eliminated


about half the wolfteam is all I can manage but you know

ā€¦I somehow donā€™t think weā€™re going to make it to Spring unless each night phase lasts like a week.

Im not here for some rando rp survival game where half the people are talking about canned beans and fuel

Traitors have to defeat us though I believe.

Itā€™s easy for us to die, not the other way around.

No. Mechanics is a must as well or else you die by hunger.

That is fine. Right, @BlueStorm?

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Iā€™m upset at this game I didnā€™t sign up for this

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Itā€™s very clearly specified that we are looking for more than one.

you realise some mechanical talk is going to help with scum reading. scum can slip by telling where they are going, or what they plan on doing

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