[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Not much remain till EoD, do you really think 10 people will vote Blue?

My prediction about top wagon with 6 votes might just come exactly true.

Like I get it

Das does seem scummy, but the wagon just screams LHF there.

Itā€™s similar to RM3 when townHtm was top wagon and was de facto the only possible lynch because not enough people were online to lynch anyone else. I hate that.

Iā€™m just going to chill and play for lols honestly.

Iā€™d rather we lynch Das here even if itā€™s mislynch though because reasons.

But if not, then just whatever.

Thw day is extended till Im sober enough to not mess up the vote count.


You donā€™t get credit in end game for saying this when Iā€™m a villager unfortunately

Hip. The push appears to have come out of nowhere

Wait so why exactly arenā€™t we lynching him then?

Oh yeah I forgot about this

because if you read those posts, why would he say that if he had that win condition

you cant just lynch FK

You have to go through the bureaucracy to lynch me

What? Now Iā€™m just more confused about it

cats are protected by colony

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His win condition is for evils to be dead. Now, heā€™s trying to act like that is not his win condition in those posts

No it seems like heā€™s hunting them to me.
This isnā€™t because I think your scummy (because I know how it can seem like that, however I just am bad at understanding this) but in case Iā€™m just blind Iā€™m going to have to ask you to give explicit examples. I.e. quote a post where heā€™s doing that and explain how/why it is that he is doing the thing in that post.

Bad way of explaining, but please quote & show at least one explicit example

I wasnā€™t trying to act like it wasnā€™t

I was trying to speak for everyone there, not just me.

I was simply speaking for everyone

The evils, sure are MY top priority but shouldnā€™t be for others unless they have the same personal win con as me.

Fire why would htm have a win-con to see evils dead if he was evil? And if heā€™s lying about his win-con I canā€™t see the evidence for it.

A vote for DasModel is a vote for life.