[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

I thought he was scum awkwardly throwing out BS to look un-TMIy. I don’t think anyone thought differently?

I plan to do it if I ever again play a game here and there are 5000 posts in the first 24 hours.

Player Has Item
Cheeki 4 Food + 1 Medkit
Das ???
NP 1 Scrap
Fossil ???
Zone Nothing

NP, I doubt that this will do much, but here.
@Fossil, @DasModel, whether you want to add yours is up to you.

The problem is that the stuff he said was plausible; i could very easily believe a villager was wrong (probably, i’m pretty sure he’s wrong at least) about it in that way, which made me read him as v.

If anybody has a scrap they need to bring it here ASAP so we can be affected by the greenhouse (get it? :P).

i have a self-help book, add that to the list.

Cheeki has a med kit?
@Cheeki I take it you’re self healing?
Same here.

And you’re not derpclearing Lymphoma?

I haven’t read any of their posts.

Wait. I got it wrong. PKR has medkit. Used on himself.
Cheeki got note saying Canadian land border is closed.

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Oh yeah lol Ici not reading the thread that’s a quick and good ISO to look at.


What does that do?

Who needs reading the thread when you’ve got unearned confidence?

i don’t know but it probably protects me from despair

I just decide lynches via the Magic 8 Ball and then make up reasons so others sheep me.

this isn’t a derpclear
lymphoma is null and in the PoE
thank you for coming to my TED talk


It’s a better derpclear than Wazza fight me.

The thing is that I’m not derpclearing Wazza. I’m saying he’s more likely to be village because of how relaitvely plausible and not stupid his wrongness is.

Player Has Item
Cheeki 4 Food + 1 Info Note
Das ???
Ici Book titled: “Positivity: How to achieve your smile?”
Hja “Machinebook”
Magnus PKR claimed Magnus got food and shared some with PKR
NP 1 Scrap
PKR Medkit (used to save himself)
Fossil ???
Zone Nothing

Cheeki: Canadian land border is closed.