[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Meta on Hippo nearly entirely clears him. For reference, my experience of w!Hippo is he always says exactly what you want him to say wheras v!Hippo plays hardball a lot more if he disagrees with you.

The dudeā€™s providing content thatā€™s actually useful for reading people and his voting has been pretty good in terms of villageriness so far. I think theyā€™re still probably a villager.

If you donā€™t want to be in the PoE, be villagery enough to be cleared.

The whole point of a PoE is for it to shrink as nullreads are cleared. If the wolves have a list of people who they can actually mislynch theyā€™re bound to lose.

I literally donā€™t know what else I can do lmao.

I pointed out the game, so that it helps everyone. Shown everyoneā€™s characters. Claimed mine while openly knowing her flavour is bad on there.
Iā€™ve helped discuss where to go, what to do. Discussed mine/Mangusā€™ search results.

Bit annoyed and frustrated ngl. Donā€™t know what else I can do.

Actual PoE, EBWOPed to be more accurate.

ā€¦Do you have any reads?

Ici, I found a location that most likely have an item that give you vig ability, should I reveal it?

@PokemonKidRyan Preferably your opinions on DasModel, SirDerpsALot, Magnus and Firekitten would be good for me.

@Boss110 so long as people understand that the PoE is basically a list of acceptable shots, sure.


Wait I mean donā€™t reveal it bleh I wasnā€™t thinking

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Just keep it quiet so the wolves donā€™t get their hands on it, and if youā€™re there when somebodyā€™s about to get the shot tell them to shoot within the PoE. Hero vig shots are singularly unhelpful in this setup.

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HTM is scum due to night shenanigans.
Das is probably scum from yesterday.

Still donā€™t like Hip/FK (Think at least one may be scum. Especially after Hip threatened to kill me) but Hip was less likely to be injured without being factional target so that is in their favour.

Magnus is probably town. Was honest to me, genuinely shared with me what they said they would.

SirDerpsALot, I honestly donā€™t know. They need to post more for me to get a solid read on them.

Itā€™s not that hard to read Magnus as Good/Evil in a misc game

You do realise that none of those reads cover the actual content of their posts? I understand the reads in a way in terms of accuracy, but theyā€™re not actually helpful for reading you. What I need you to do is what youā€™re talking about with Derps; read peopleā€™s posts for potential hidden motivation and TMI.

It dosenā€™t matter if you think youā€™ve gotten it wrong. Learning how to microread is a great skill to have, and most importantly itā€™ll help me to clear you.

If what you said is true he is pretty much clear from PoE IMO

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You read htm as wolf due to something they did last night. You read Hippo as wolf because he threatened to kill you, and litten because he didnā€™t let you go somewhere you wanted to. Those are actually all somewhat fine reasons to read them in this kind of setup, but it dosenā€™t actually help me read you since those reads donā€™t really require much actual thought to make, thus making it very very hard to discern motivation.

We showed each other what we had.

Magnus showed me 4 food, gave me 2.
I showed Magnus 1 medicine.

Emptied pockets to prove not hiding anything too. @Magnus can confirm that.

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take notes, everyone. Making really stupid and complicated microreads is actually the easiest way to stop me from mislynching you by mistake.

Iā€™ll tryā€¦ I havenā€™t really done microreading before. Gotta wait until I get on laptop

Player Has Item
Cheeki 4 Food + 1 Info Note
Das ???
Derps Medkit (used to save himself)
Fossil ???
Ici Book titled: ā€œPositivity: How to achieve your smile?ā€
Hja ā€œMachinebookā€
Magnus 2 Food (other 2 were given to PKR)
NP 1 Scrap
PKR Medkit (used to save himself), 2 Food (given by Magnus)
Zone Nothing

Cheeki: Canadian land border is closed.

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