[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Like going on a suicide mission?

Are you sure? I heard slugs love to eat humans, I donā€™t think they eat bones. I think itā€™s a possibility that we are both confused and itā€™s actually Pandas who eat bones

I have to go to bed now again bye

Thereā€™s nothing but mechanical talk

Quick read list because why not
Town - Litten (FK), Simon, Magnus, Zone, PKR
Scum - Hjasik, Jake

You guys are talking about lynching Litten because he ā€œhardclaimā€ scum but forget that Jake do the same thing

im voting him since i disagree with the practice of memeing using what he did.
regardless of what jake does it doesnt change that, not for me.
im not going to let him get lynched purely based off this, but it makes for a good point


How. Do. I.
Go to SCP lab!!?

You donā€™t, it doesnā€™t exist

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It has to! Thereā€™s zombles! Itā€™s 049!

I won the dice even and holy shit the item I got.

How does dice work?

Whoever gets the closest guess gets the prize.


I never got an option to roll dice?
Eevee never mentioned itā€¦?

you guessed it exactly?


imagine if you had, considering the item you got

There was an event.