[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

ah, a bad TWTBAW read, glad we’re keeping up the good old tradition of reading NAI stupidity as villagery or wolfy

Yeah. My point exactly. It was such a dumb answer, that I can only see it coming from a newbie town.

Muda muda muda

Roles and alignments are seperate remember.

It’s a bit of a weird thing for the wolves to be informed about, though.

Sigh. So, when do we kill this person again?

would be hillarous if he wanted to kill a partner to clear himself and he knew those two could defend themselves compared to Htm

I reckon weapons just increase the chance of successfully injuring but I have no idea.

I will accept being called stupid if it means saving Das from this predicament.

let’s just wait for his response and figure out his allignment through that, it shouldn’t be that hard

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Since i pushed him he hasnt posted at all lol

That’s why I’m @ing him and falsely trying to sound nicer than you. If he dosen’t respond by EoD we can go and lynch the hell out of him, but he will give a response.

ohoho here he comes

@PokemonKidRyan I notice you still haven’t made that microread I asked you for.

anyway, Jake’s response is less wolfy but it’s still pretty bad considering how long they lingered on the whole “haha i think i’m lock wolf lolololololol!!!” thing for a bit too long for me to be comfortable

Meta-wise Magnus post reminds me of SCP FM
Others than that I think he will act like a leader more and try to create or attempt to make a plan, seeing as this game have misc-like gameplay which is something Magnus pride himself on. But as you can see, he just seems to went along with other people plan this game and out all information without a second thought. I can say that he is town

Are you saying that you read them as v because they’re not acting the way you expect them to ask?

Maybe I can even do a level 2 read, if I try harder. I guess I’ll have to ISO everybody.

please don’t just post a bunch of huge walls, consisting mostly of other peoples quotes with your one liners below them. read through their isos and then form a well informed read

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Don’t bother ISOing everybody. Just ISO one person and go very in-depth on why you think they posted things, and whether that comes from a villager or a wolf.