[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

I was given 2.
Magnus showed me 4 so Magnus has at least 2 food.
But IIRC Magnus gave FK 1 so Magnus had at least 1.

PKRā€™s role is obviously ā€œseer who scans an entire group of people and says if theyā€™re all townā€. Duh.

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Quoting this for post game

Iā€™m going to be honest, hjaisk is in team memesky but they are on the bottom of the group

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Quoting what?

Why did he listen to FKā€™s threats?

Also do you Team Memesky people know how HTM died last night?

I wonā€™t even if you are town, because I donā€™t care that much.

I made an explanation Iā€™m pretty sure makes sense

Magnus is probably an easy mislynch here.


Magnus probably did it.

Magnus told me he would shoot us with a shotgun. I said shoot me with the shotgun and then hippo and Htm will steal your two food from you. I either give them the choice of giving one food or we take both

FKā€¦ No. Remember my explanation.

Blessed rands, am I right?

I donā€™t think Htm suicides into a pack of zombies and zombies canā€™t kill

Thereā€™s no way we are going to lynch Magnus today, especially when I am still alive

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Is it that heā€™s scum? Why did Magnus share the two food with you then?

Magnus said that he said that but he doesnā€™t actually have a shotgun.
I think he also couldnā€™t have killed htm because he left in the phase htm died and thatā€™s a whole action right?

My other explanation

The anti claim one?

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Not at all.
HTM died due to the anti-claim wincon mechanic.
Scum prob use that.

In which location htm and Cheeki were, both in hospital?

My two cents on the mechanical business is that how Magnus talks publicly about the incident last night will indicate his allignment.

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HTM hospital.
Cheeki IDK.