[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

I already completed my personal win condition so I don’t see it as a risk

Pretty much, I skimmed a bit of day 2. But otherwise I have read a good majority of it

Wait you found your child? How sweet. <3

Canadians said they would allow you in if you traveled in a helicopter/plane, I think we can just climb the fence with a ladder and prove we are humans

Cool then you have 3 minutes on gut to list everyone in this game from top town to scum. Go.

When did they say this

The border is likely patrolled by ehlicopters and soldiers, and will shoot anybody who tries to cross.

It was left in the note of the airdrop


I say likely, because how the fuck would the Cananadans build a wall in a zombie arapocalypse?

Arapocalypse is Canadian?

what if we built a boat and traveled around the border

The land borders being closed isn’t literal. It dosen’t mean it’s physically impossible to cross, rather that doing so will make you a criminal to the canadians and get you killed by the cananadan millitary.

Canadians are nice people I refuse to believe this

either way bandits are our best shot

@Hippolytus go to the bandit camp

you too PKR

Wait hippo is injured uh

@eevee can we have a list of people who have / haven’t eaten? It’ll be important as town can literally can lose today.