[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

I dont know really flavor implies I have it, but i dont know if i need to fuel it up or anything

can confirm said heal

so what? where on earth does it say wolves cant get injured? the zombies can hurt all of us

  1. he doesnt have to listen to you
  2. he didnt go anywhere. he just didnt move from last cycle

lynch you lol

what if he thinks your survivors, just ones deranged enough to hurt him anyway, and so he needed to plead?

lmao. you know whats better than that? not escaping to canada

I have an extra food. if pkr leaves and you come to school ill give it to you in exchange for hearing me out, and possibly helping me

no lol everyone stays where they are. this way if you dont move during the day phase you can move to another location in the action phase

Oh ok

that first one was for astandā€™s heal on me, and otherwise i posted early.
still reading

now this is a deal Iā€™m more willing to take
sorry @PokemonKidRyan

Read the post I was quoting smh.


letā€™s go

A bit of a strange reaction, wouldnā€™t you say @NinjaPenguin?

Is he alive or dead?

Yeah especially considering heā€™s still alive lmao.

Iā€™m going to try to make a deal with the devil for a ladder

I was referring to DatBird going ā€œoh okā€ when I told him that Cheeki was dead.

mod you better give this boi some SCRAP

i saw that. you were reacting to my saying fk is a wolf by saying that heā€™s injured.
im saying that he can be both a wolf and injured

oh speaking of which /vote firekitten

what is this bullshit

Ninja how many scrap do you need again?

ā€œIā€™d prefer we lynch Litten today over Das seeing HTM flip, we can leave Das to deathā€
I was responding this from Boss.

I got my scrap itā€™s all good. One more and I get an item.

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its what ive been doing this whole game.
no details though because then the wolves (read: you) can muck it up

ah sorry my b

I could also give my scrap to Das to make a weapon. That couldnā€™t go wrong.

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