[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

I may be focused on weapons, but that’s only because I use only 2 scrap instead of 3 scrap. What I don’t understand is why do other people search for weapons, if they don’t have any abilities related with them?

If can, I’d happily give them to you

We should max out places that have some zombies. Get as much stuff as possible than leave. Those will increase and it’ll get harder to get supplies from there, while the places with few zombies should have more time. Also, by sending larger groups to the places with some zombies then it’s easier to to defend ourselves against them

What is sulit defending against? Idr the interaction with Das Ici mentioned.

Ici saying hes scum. Thoughts?

Dislike how he switched to a fat mechanical post just now aswell

Sulit kinda pinged me before and not even because he accused me. The meta read was fine, but the way he assumed Das was scummy based on the fact that he wanted to find weapon scrap parts just had me thinking he knew something we didn’t and let that slip.

alright dasmodel is back in null for me

/vote Firekitten

Actually starting to think that the traitor among traitors sounds like total horseshit FK made up. And even if he had this info, he wouldn’t out it in his 2nd fucking post because it only helps wolves if true.

Also note the sentence “I may or may not get more information”, it just sounds like a subtle way to not get us to kill him soon, and I’m pretty sure we will get exactly jack shit from him.

The rest of FK’s ISO is horseshit and random nonsense about gas and whatnot and memes.

Those are examples of fucking shit filler he posts in this game.

He probs think since Math isn’t in the game, he can do fuck all and coast.

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Wazza and Zone seems obv villagers, Ici’s opening resonated with me, so prob villa as well.

i’d reccomend you go to the hospital to get a chill pill

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If FK is scum, I’m not buying DasModel’s townslip at all.

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His posts are weak and probably above rand scum by IIOA.

Or how about we lynch a wolf.

I dont see fk scum here at all he seems super null.

Or we might discuss police stations till end of time.

just to be clear I literally despise the phrase “get a chill pill”, but the sheer amount of references to sexual intercourse and defecation makes your case on FK hard to read.

I’m really confused as to why me being wary of Das getting weapons is scummy or considered tmi. I already thought he was scummy beforehand and that pushed me over the edge

The traitor FK outed is probably himself and the person he’s trying to kill is probably Hippo and that’s pretty easy to do when you’re left alone. I don’t really mind. :man_shrugging:

What posts of his had pinged you before?