[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

That’s why I only put people I trust in there.

i thought you cant read people based on their metas here, as its not an fm?

The title says it’s an FM game though

I wasn’t reading based off their meta I was reading based off how they acted all game. I only trusted you fossil and hippo and hja to go to the car.

Did you forgot everything yesterday?

in general fk, im going to read you based off fm from here on out, and i recommend everyone else do the same
start treating it like an fm, or suffer the consequences

and note that if you say your treating it like a roleplay, im not changing that, no matter how much you plead

Then you are going to get your read wrong and that’s entirely not my fault. I have been trying to escape to Canada all game. I’m not changing that

@PokemonKidRyan or @Magnus or @Kirefitten ^^

and you get lynched, making it your problem

a scum could easily tamper with the car in question enough to make it not work. you either have to make your plan super secret or kill all the wolves. again, cure is the only one that does not necessarily need to kill wolves. and even then its super useful

Are you arguing that the car won’t work or are you arguing that I’m scum

fk you are objectively hurting yourself by not scumhunting. and you refusing to do so makes you more wolf in my eyes

your chances at a survivor win con being achieved, that is

Simon as a wolf I would realize the only way to not get lynched here it to start scum hunting. As town I’m stuck in the deep sunk cost fallacy and can not get out of it.

I’m going to somehow reach Canada some way or another. If I die trying to do it and get shot by border patrol so be it I spent too much time on this game trying to go to Canada to throw away my effort

if you recognize the fallacy you can leave it.
and that you’re using “i know to not get lynched i would have to scumhunt” as a defense to not get lynched without scumhunting is a nonsentence, essentially meaning nothing. you could do that as a wolf or a villager

or you could just not.
its that simple.
come to the school, help me out

do you ever have that feeling of man there’s this great path here I can take that would make so much sense but I want to do this path just to prove I can do it

I have to go to the colony to be checked by ninjapengiun anyway unless we bring ninja to the school

so your willing to have essentially a worse game, progress/success wise, in order to prove something?
no offense, but that doesnt really seem like the fk i know