[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Cause people want a separate person lynched

Dont get me wrong that looks bad

We dont know that he could just have IRL shit

And I think a good couple of traitors are on that wagon


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Vote Das pls


No. I genuinely donā€™t even attempt to read you.

(Actualy Das is gonna be replaced if they dont respond to prod, since we have a replacement waiting)

You are just trying to piss me off. Youā€™re no better than any of the moronic bullies that stalk my every move, you just act like youā€™re an adorable quirky little tunneler, but youā€™re just in it to piss people off and laugh as they try to stop you.

@DatBird UNVOTE or they will be replaced and Iā€™ll be lynched

Why the hell would I vote some inactive thatā€™s about to get modkilled?

Kindly stop trying ot piss me off.

Hello darkness my old friend

If they do get replaced sure

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I can already guess Who it is

He was very active and hasnt posted once since i pressured him, not a coincedence.

And ā€˜because people want someone else lynchedā€™ isnt an answer. Why do they? Why are more scum not just voting DasModel for an easy kill.

Even ninjapenguin, who was nearly lynched and almost universally scumread, is voting for firekitten and not DasModel.

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Hahahahā€¦ Pain doesnā€™t work on me.

  1. I already got used to them, to the point where I will ignore you after this post.
  2. Dead man talking. Remember?

If you see this logic, unvote Das and vote Icibalus!

Heā€™s not getting modkiled

Heā€™s getting replaced

I give up. If people are somehow deluded into thinking ninja, one of the villageriest people in this game, is a wolf, and that litten, one of the wolfiest, is a villager, thereā€™s no hope for this game.

I would say the opposite but you do you