[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

daily reminder that Boss exists and has done a big fat nothing this whole game and he could be w

ā€¦ @Simon, you do realize youā€™re not allowed to talk in here since youā€™re MIA to the lab, right?

NP how did you get redcheck on magnus

True. True.
ā€¦but that wonā€™t stop Magnusā€™ death.

1-Shot Cop Tool.
Kinda iffy, but worth believing since heā€™ll die if Magnus flips town.

I donā€™t know anymore, honestly. My current reads neccecarily have to include an incorrect villageread, but thereā€™s not really an villagereads iā€™m immediately willing to flip-flop on, which probably means Iā€™m going to actually have to gulp think.

Relax, Iā€™m literally voting him. Iā€™m not the kind to not vote somebody in my village core has peeked w.

I may unvote you if you stop with AtE

iā€™m just going to ignore you okay

I got an item that was a one shot cop from having three scraps.

What kind of item is that

For what itā€™s worth, I believe that Ici and Dat are scum. Then again, my read on Das was wrong, so ehā€¦

Besides, if I bent over backwards to act like spock and have absolutely no emotions and to emphasise the importance of LOGIC and FACTS, you wouldnā€™t unvote me because in your eyes, absolutely nothing Iā€™ve done matters now that Iā€™ve been frustrated and appealed to emotion, done my absolute wolftell, once.

Thereā€™s not really a point in defending myself at this point, so Iā€™m just going to sit back and make at least one GOOD read.

@Emilia, read this.

Do you mean the name? Night vision device (dumb I know but blame eevee).

You got it from searching in colony?

If this was MU, I might try to actually defend myself, but logic dosenā€™t really matter on this site in favour of emotion and sheer numbers.

I would if you did

Iā€™ve told you a thousand times I got it from having three scraps.
