[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

What the hell Zone?

I’m changing my first action to boarding up the hospital then. Screw that idea.
I won’t let you kill me just to take out Hj.

The plan was to vote Blue then Hja.
If you want to kill someone do that order.


Ps, I literally just did this.
So y’all leave the hospital alone.
Zone decided y’all cannot use the hospital. I won’t let him kill me just because y’all come in.

Delaying the inevitable ey?
Boring, but effective.

  1. Fossil still needs to lend me his gun before I can become the literal PGO again.
  2. I mean… I could be bluffing, you know? (…probably not a bluff though, since I would be–)

…hang on a minute. Why would I even bother where Magnus goes when he is about to be lynched?

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No. You’re deviating from the plan. AGAIN.
If you don’t lynch Magnus, then NP’s redcheck won’t be confirmed.



NP’s recheck was Magnus?

Yes! Didn’t you read/skim my wall post!?

I already said I am voting Magnus.
What’s your problem?
I won’t let you kill me just to kill Hja when Hja is lower priority than Blue on your lynch list

…speaking of delaying the inevitable, I forgot to wait for the other 4 to tell us where they will go.


Oh @Zone_Q11 you misinterpreted me.
I didn’t mention Magnus because he’s already our vote.

Then I won’t let you kill Hja next because Blue was higher on the priority list that I agreed on.

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You said that you will vote Magnus, but you didn’t hammer.
…which, now that I think about it, is a good idea since we need more intel on the other 4’s movements.

Well… I kinda thought that Magnus would survive somehow, and that I need to kill him, and that you could run away from the Grenade Launcher at AP2 when the other 2 can’t…
…that last argument was made on-spot, but it’s still accurate and effective.

Oh. Sure. I don’t mind who dies next, as long as it is Blue and either Hja and/or Ici.

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If Blue doesn’t die tonight they should be voted tomorrow. Or Hja if Mag flips red.

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Unofficial Vote Count

Magnus - 3 - Zone, Blue, PKR, NP, Ici, Zone
Icibalus - 1 - Hja

Majority is reached at 5 votes.

--- --- ---

Uh… If Magnus flips town, then we won’t go after Blue, but NP instead though? (Then again, let’s be honest: This is basically admitting that Magnus is a worse town player than the semi-inactive DasModel.)

EOD is within approximately 13 hours.
If those 4 don’t reply within 8 hours, then I will vote Magnus again -if I am awake by then- because I will be going to another country for 4 nights.

…by the way PKR, we didn’t think much of this since they are absent Today, but what do you think of Dat, Simon and Astand?

Personally… I only trust Simon.

I don’t know… They’ve all been considerably unremarkable