[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

What was the scumteam?

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literally was the most anti town town who was siding mafia if they helped him escape and you lynched me

How could you do that

Jake, Mag, Ici, Me.

Alsoā€¦ I contradicted myself so many times this game for ??? reasons

Like idk why I even did that, it wasnā€™t intentional.

Only 4 scum? Dangggg town.

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Goddamnit Hippo

If you had just fucking had some food and even communicated with me I could have healed you

But instead you tried to set the fucking compound on fire

Iā€™m so fucking mad

Only 4 scum with not exceptionally powerful abilities (Iciā€™s was good but idk if it was utilised much) who didnā€™t start with weapons and somehow probably wouldā€™ve won :stuck_out_tongue:

wasnā€™t Icibalus at the colony as well

People just complained to make others be demotivated (that was legit mafia plan).

And since some complained, others started complaining to trick others they are demotivated to be worse night kill.

It turned into game of complaining where both factions were faking complains to throw off other.


Nope. It was just myself and Hippo that night.

how would saying you like the setup give you away?


Iā€™m really sorry T-T
I just had Zone under my finger and couldnā€™t risk not following.

I feel like this sort of strategy should be banned as itā€™s really demotivating for the host and makes them not want to continue with the game.

If you give a guy an inch he will go a mile-personal win conditions/alt win conditions

pretty much that

I dunno, I just wanted Zone and Team Memesky to believe in me so I took on general concepts from them, adapted them and used them.

The setup wouldnā€™t have given me away. All roles were sorta hard to tell who/what was scum.


hey guys remember when yall didnt lynch d1 and were preparing to not lynch d2 because you underestimated scum?
remember that?

Blue, thereā€™s no such thing as ethics in a mafia game.

Itā€™s forum mafia, not forum tea party.

Itā€™s not a case of ethics, itā€™s a case of I donā€™t want the host to not have fun running the setup.

Remember that the players are not the only ones invested in the game, yā€™know?