[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Rah but where Birmingham

It’s fucking big yanno

Gimme a moment, I will check

He’ll be staying with me and Kind.
We’re literally Birmingham City Centre.


I’m just off the Hagley Road leading into B’ham

Yeah, why do you ask?
I’ve lived here all my life.

Kind moved here to go to Uni with me but originally is from SE London.

You see three old ladies, one is creating something entirely separate from the rest. The second one is measuring 3 strings, while the third is getting ready to cut the three strings

I wonder if anyone is going to get this reference

OH, oh wow, I know that place.


Wanna meet and do stuff?

I’m fine with it.


Ye and meet with me/Kind at some point too Blue :stuck_out_tongue:


I will take this as no.

Blue may just be busy atm!
It is 00:17 AM atm.

Patience is a virtue dear Eevee.
Then again it’s later for you lmao

Yeah I was watching YT videos :stuck_out_tongue:

I could do a meet, whenever that is, @eevee

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Eevee comes on the 4th, leaves on the 12th iirc.

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Weekend would probably be best then as I don’t wanna accost him on his first day here

But before then I could meet with you guys if you’d like :stuck_out_tongue:

Seems good. We’re planning on getting him a day pass into our uni to join us for anime and manga stuff once. It’s a fun time :smiley:
Also it may actually be the first proper week of the society so we may be running our quiz then.

Put together by the 4 society reps: A nice girl is our president, I’m VP, Wolf is Equality + Diversity person or something like that and then the same guy as last year is our treasurer.

Heh, well we’ll have plenty of opportunities.
It’s just nice to know people around, we’re forum friends after all… Somewhat.
When you’re not against me or killing me :stuck_out_tongue:

I already lost how is that gamethrowing. I had no game to throw.

I never would have if i didnt have an alt win-con which I was never gonna complete.

Dont add alternative wincons and then accuse people of gamethrowing like what

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I was injured, hungry, and nowhere nearing my wincon. Accusing me of gamethrowing is utter horseshit.

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Which uni has anime and manga stuff.

Oh well.

Count me in.