[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

The hilarious part is the box will probably explode

this is where 1/5th of our colony dies, hopefully the traitors get greedy for an ak or something

/unsummon event

See a box doesnā€™t vanish for no reason, nor will a zombie destroy it. Air plane wouldnā€™t throw out supplies because they know they would attract zombies to the supply. I think it was meant to eradicate zombies and itā€™s a bomb. Itā€™s the only explanation for why it would only be there for cycle 1 even if no one goes there

I vote to send PKR to the box, he is the only one brave enough.

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Then why the parachute?

@PokemonKidRyan you can sprint out of places without getting bit

prove it wolf

Is Fk an event summoner :thinking:

Also, did that drag zombies away from other areas?

ā€¦how was Possessed killed again? I thought it was done by a strong smash to the head or something.

Realistically this is true, but only for a population of less than 1%.
In other words: We have 0% of staying human if we eat an infected meat,

ā€¦you gotta be kidding me.

Yes obviously Iā€™m a dad who has served in several military wars who happen to have a radio with a guy on the other end to send a bomb here instead of sending a plane to save me


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@eevee, answer this please.

Heā€™d have mentioned it if it did.


True, but Iā€™d rather be optimistic.

People should try doing various commands even if their ability doesnā€™t do what you want it to do

just start doing stuff

Iā€™m still going with the hospital btw.

/eat firekitten

Protect our nurse at all costs.

hippo how could you do this to me

/kill all zombies