[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

So what you are essentially saying, just to confirm, that you are the only person who actually wants a traitor dead? Right

Wait donā€™t answer that

I speak before I think


Donā€™t out me, geez.

Wait, FK doesnā€™t that errrrā€¦
You know, your info thingy?

Yeah Iā€™m not a massive fun of the alt win-cons. My alt win-con is harder than the main one.

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Oh no

Alexa Play Darkness my old friend

I have no idea how hard main wincon is anyway.

Read it and youā€™d get an idea :expressionless:
Thereā€™s a few possibilities.

Iā€™m assuming main wincon is just ā€œfind traitorsā€ then do a couple of arbitrary activities as a group.

Could all just shush about this?

Same. Though I think itā€™s barely doable, I doubt that -even if I somehow live through N1, N2 and N3- I will ever win my alt win-con.

what? it doesnā€™t mention killing traitors



So you are the traitor who needs their traitor mate dead?

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Yeah but if traitors are dead I assume itā€™s impossible to lose.

Are you willing to work with us

First off I want multiple of those evil dead

And Iā€™m actually survivor, do you think Iā€™d out myself like this to the other traitors if I really were that?

Iā€™ve updated my read on Htm funnily enough.