[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

i feel like this whole construction engineer business is a bad idea. what do we even want a greenhouse for?
it just feels like he’s going to take all the materials and tool and skip town or something

Also I havent seen a single non-mechanics post yet lol so hoping thats gonna change


Sure Ici, sure

From what I’ve read, keep dreaming.

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Hmmm, should we just say our actions here?
It’d probably be good to get a general consensus of actions.

Well Ici, there you have it. Go get some scraps.

Duh. Of course it is. Any stranger can’t prove they are an engineer without the papers, but papers means nothing in this zombie-driven world.

…Icibalus, I do not want to EVER scavenge with you, just like I did with Simon. You are not trustworthy.
FK’s claim is one thing, but the easiest way to survive is not by killing all scum. Because even if we literally kill all scum in one-go, we still need food to survive.

In the very end, this game is a matter of altruism.

Thanks. …just, thanks.

…? Argument? You voted for sulit. That’s not nothing, which means that you already want someone dead. With your vote, you have stepped out of peaceful arguments.

Well, if we kill traitor that mean one less person to feed

Start talking reads please good sir.

Why are you AGAINST killing wolves?

Because, despite the fact that they are bloody traitors, they each have 2 hands!

Do you like getting murdered, robbed, and fucked over by deceptive mechanics?

To drink?

I’ll fuck them first before they fuck me! It’s that simple!

I mean yeah, finding food and resources is important and all. But by finding the traitor we will have one less person to feed as well as decreasing the possibility of someone attacking us

Because that IS what the wolves will do. Don’t delude yourself into thinking that they’re going to work peacefully for the colony and just happen to murder 1 person every night.

They are going to steal from the colony for their own survival.

Basically this

i have to agree with ici here, the longer we keep the wolves alive, they won’t gather food or scrap, they’ll kill and steal. big liability not searching for wolves

Just because there’s all this roleplay-y stuff dosen’t change the fact that this is werewolf, and we win by killing wolves. I’m not playing this any differently than I’d play any other game during the day.

I get it, but it also means we have 2 hands less.
Whether this is beneficial / worth it in the long run, I don’t know yet. Because there is a factor called “zonbies” who want all of us dead!