[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

He’s unremarkable as hell, but in a new!unremarkable way rather than a wolf!unremarkable way.

well astand, its important because a little known mechanic in fm’s means that lynching wolves can help town.

Having no opinions is villagery for L1 players. It’s having weak opinions that’s wolfy.

thing is, i’m not sure if derps is just not paying attention to this game, or just trying to sort of slink by.
either way its not good for town

Yes, but sulit is obviously and explicitly a wolf.

I was planning to go there in the first place but not enough people is interested to go there

if ici says no ill say yes to you.
otherwise please stay away.

I’m not going to the school, because (arrogant though it may sound) if I die this villa will prooobably fall into disarray.

In case anybody’s curious, Simon’s probably v btw

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Aight im happy voting sulit but if hes town lets kneecap Ici cuz altho Sulits been bad I dont like how hard Ici is pushing for him (and some of his points are kinda bad)

/vote Sulit

Chaining mislynches lol?

Kneecapping isnt lynching


What do you expect me to do, not push the obvious wolf who has no other votes hard to get him as a major wagon?

Yeah to be honest I don’t think we have much else (timezones got people screwed up), I’d like to see something turn up out of derps tomorrow though, if not he’s either getting shot or lynched depending on whats in that airdrop.

/vote Sulit

@boss110 he said no, we’re good to go

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if any of you try to break my kneecaps you’ll have another thing coming, bud

So, on a new topic of discussion:

I alluded to this earlier, but if there has to be a wolf on the fk wagon, who is it?

to take a guess out of the blue id say hja.

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I can post again

I punched people and was drunk then eeveee took out his wrath on me

Well you are top wagon now and accused of being the traitor.