[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

litten are you drunk


this is the worst logic iā€™ve ever seen.
ā€˜Iā€™m in a zombie apocalypse where hordes of disease-ridden zombies are storming the gates, Iā€™m gonna go camping in the woods, they wonā€™t smell me out there im sure of itā€™


I totally disagree here. Kills not being solid is what means they would have less.
We cannot rely on 1 KPN or something like that.
We could literally lose on a single night if we get unlucky enough.

You canā€™t just read people as villa because theyā€™re uncooperative. Thatā€™s not how this works.

Itā€™s a joke, I am not going to just sit around obviously

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See Iā€™m not reading them as villa for that reason Iā€™m reading them as village for doing things a wolf wouldnā€™t do

Possible, but I donā€™t see it here.

  1. Didnā€™t you say you want to stay at the Colony?
  2. There are zombies everywhere, and everyone is planning to go somewhere. You canā€™t go solo unless you choose the School, where many zombies roam around.

/shrug. There probably will be multiple people wherever I go, and itā€™s not like I wonā€™t be able to defend myself. Plus, my ability will help me out anywho.

Sulit is wasting everyones time chatting about random shit which you canā€™t even do in game.

Hey my plan is to go to PC World, buy a Mac, start an internet porn chat room and gradually make money over time. Then Iā€™ll buy a hovercraft and go to China with it where I become a fucking monk who uses his god powers to defeat the zombies with my big toe.

Fuck off


I donā€™t want to literally be by myself

I want to only help my self

And help others only when itā€™s beneficial to me

ā€œWhy would a wolf do X?ā€
ā€œWhy would i do X as a wolf?ā€
ā€œWhy would X do Y if he was a wolf? he could just do Z instead!ā€

How many times have you read these?

The simple fact is wolves do dumb $#@! all the time for no reason whatsoever.

They werenā€™t paying attention
They were leveling
They just love bussing
Their perception of things was wrong
They forgot who their bros were
They were just pushing buttons
They were leveling!

If no wolf motivation exists, they might still be a wolf

apoc quote that demonstrates why I think youā€™re wrong on this


Not like this means anything, considering they arenā€™t gonna help you because, its not like youā€™re gonna repay with supplies, or anything like that. Face it, you can do your whole lone wolf schtick later, work with us for now.

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Let me keep spreading conspiracy theories

Bluestorms ISO is pretty weak I think heā€™s a good push.

I donā€™t care if they help me or not

They still have to fight off the zombies somehow

can we just have a vote to expel sulit from the colony or something?
i just think theyā€™re a stupid survivor at this point.
they donā€™t get to live in the colony if they want to only help themselves

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Okay Icibalus whatever you say
