[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Actually, I’m in this because I wanted to rand villa, not “probably ends up being villa but has to set up an exodia first”.

yes yes we heard it before ici, but the cards are on the table so it is what it is

Lymphoma or another inactive will be way less helpful than me


What will I get if I vote with you

No. @JakeTheWolfie and @Lymphoma are deadweight, but at least they are literal deadweight and not one which will intentionally give a loss to the Colony.

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I have no intentions to hurt the colony tbh

That would hurt me in turn and it’d be stupid

Why does Htm have Jake as lock scum

I think jake has himself had lock scum


i’m just so sick of this sulit bullshit lol, i can’t be bothered to argue it any further.


And Htm worst of all didn’t read most people.
But they read Lymph as good somehow?!

I gave up arguing about my reads a long time ago sit by me

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Htm thought he derped


If you help the Colony only when it benefits you, then you will most likely never help the Colony at all since you can just slack off and parasite on us.

If I did that you guys would kill me and it wouldn’t help my survival

Immediate instictive thought on Blue is that him immediately thinking that I’m trying to bus PKR is… unbelievably weird. And by that, I mean the literal definition of unbelievable; I can’t really believe in any scenario that explains it even remotely.

I don’t even read PKR as wolf. PKR has been unremarkable, but is acting somewhat like a villager, so I kinda just forgot about him.

And yet, Blue thinks I’m trying to automatically bus him.

…huh. I didn’t notice that. @Htm, what’s your excuse?

Alright Hard Scumread it is then.

You accidentally put me as scummy, I can correct that for you if you want.

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Intact kneecaps