[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Right now it doesn’t matter though. I need to pressure Das until he gives me a better read on FK.
…also until he gives me his claim again.

Cheeki is still scum. His posts smell scummy to me. He’s acting way different then he did in Hand of Byzantium, where he was BD.

Speaking of @Cheeki, are you done reading FK yet?

He’s too confident

There’s no real think thonk going on with him

D1. Think thonk is not needed yet for sheeps.

I don’t think a lot of people are putting a lot of thonk into this game lol

Yeah but you have little progression

Cheeki. Give me your FK read. Now.

Fossil, you as well.

Let me catch up. It’ll be a while, though. I’ll determine if I want to or not by then.

Not caught up. Did something happen?

…oof. This will take a while.

I’m hyped for Eevee to get on

This’ll be great

Nothing much. A whole fiasco with sulit who literally outed to be selfish, causing him to get the main wagon. Nothing else aside from that.

slight townlean. still haven’t been able to discern his motivations besides shack it up with hippo.
i am however (however stupid i am) still perplexed by one of their first posts, claiming they have mechanical info. i may have missed some contextual posts from others. they have been helpful on pushing for reads and analysis from people like Htm etc. Not a fan of the way they just repeated ‘you are scum’ though, not my style and smells off to me. Part of me feels like he’s just 100% screwing around most of the time, considering he said he gave up pushing on his reads

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and by slight, i mean veeeryyy slight

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…look @DasModel! This is how you give FK a townie read! Unlike yours, I can at least see the points where to look!

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/vote Dasmodel

Mm, the best thing I could say is, would Mafia have a power that could be powered up by sacrificing another person’s?

It doesn’t make sense. It also doesn’t make sense for one of the two to be mafia and the other not. Since, from flavor perspective, that would be too much of a traitor.

/vote Dasmodel