like Htm
everyone would be jumping at you if we cared that you were scum
like Htm
everyone would be jumping at you if we cared that you were scum
Yeah the traitors we know that
I really know nothing else.
Win con: get rid of all evils (faction starts with t) except one
This is kinda a silly way to circumvent anticlaim and eevee will not accept this.
not actually
metaphorically I am
Also my statement never actually said I was scum so just stop assuming.
you said you never said who the other scum were
I believe htm.
Because I dont know.
FK is just nitpicking words.
FK, you can’t seriously claim you believe it was a scumslip.
I meant the faction.
I do though
But who cares. Why should we lynch someone
you have countless times told us the faction
If you dont care Why arent you for no lynching
because why should I care about voting no lynch
I never said the faction itself I believe. Just referred to them as “evils”
Ah I get what you are talking about now
You are still scum though