[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

I think the only reason I am allowed to be anti town all the time is the fact that I still get things done when I’m doing it

Typing too fast lol

I messed up with the win con like once.

I blame this one quickreading tho.

I’d rather have someone meming about cannibalism half the time and scum-hunting the other half than have someone waffling about mechanics the whole time


I agree, the first person sounds like great waifu material while also being a great human being in general

Tbh I agree

But mechanics are important in this game so :man_shrugging:

Htm if you are scum do you promise to never kill me this game? If you say yes and end up contributing to my demise I have permission to eat your leg.

Also do this to me

I have been calling you scum all game but haven’t been voting you

Nope I do not promise you that as then I’d be lying to you

However since I’m surv, I will prolly not kill you unless you prove urself as a traitorous traitor.

Same thing as I said to Hippo.

I said IF you are scum, so it only counts if you are scum, and you still refuse to say yes?

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Damn you got balls son

It’s just that “if” isn’t a possibility as I know I’m surv.

Say it anyway, because if you aren’t it doesn’t matter. you would only refuse to say it if you are one

If you can’t see this as scum that wants to kill us then idk what else you need as evidence.

If I’m a millionaire right now I will donate all my money to charity

Doesn’t matter since I’m not

If I’m 18 Right now I will jump off a bridge

Doesn’t matter since I’m not 18

No. I will die. Whether it’s betrayal in events or multiple injuries, I won’t survive.

If I’m injured and I don’t have any medkits, I know for certain that none of you will share one if you have one.

Yeah fuck that I’m not sharing any of my shit

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I won’t kill you or Hippo if I’m scum

Happy now?