[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

@Kirefitten. Tell me again why the hell we should let you live, unlike D1.

Would you describe this move as a GAME CHANGER, and Hippolytus as a player with BIG MOVESā„¢?

so what iā€™m hearing is youā€™re forcing a poor innocent wolf to be dragged along with your group and to be watched at all times so they canā€™t kill anybody?

I can think of at least 5 problems with that idea.

Player Has Item
Cheeki 4 Food + 1 Info Note
Das ???
Derps Medkit (used to save himself)
Fossil ???
FK Medkit (plans to use it on Hippo)
Ici Book titled: ā€œPositivity: How to achieve your smile?ā€
Hja ā€œMachinebookā€
Magnus 2 Food (other 2 were given to PKR)
NP 1 Scrap
PKR Medkit (used to save himself), 2 Food (given by Magnus)
Zone Nothing

Cheeki: Canadian land border is closed.

As of now, Simon, Cheeki and I are the only ones to have not been healed if FK heals Hippo.

Because I found two scum and Iā€™ll sell the names of them for something in return

And itā€™s not Htm or hjaisk that I found

No. I already found them; FK and Hja.

No, my idea is to let them live and we just live

My win condition doesnā€™t require them dead

FK pretends to be Town (Survivor)
FK proceeds to tell us that they wonā€™t say who scum are unless they get something in return.

Seems legit.

ā€¦actually, after Htm, I will focus fire on NP. That guyā€™s been useless to me since D1 and that is never a good sign.

Litten youā€™ve gone to the dark side. Youā€™ve been tricked into thinking this isnā€™t a game of werewolf.

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Does my win condition require them dead no. Does my win condition require me to survive yes

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Them being dead probably helps with survival though.

So does food and medicine

Because not murdering people who are trying to murder you is a perfectly acceptable thing to do.


My wincon doesnā€™t require them dead either, but I do need to stay alive for my wincon to be fulfilled.

ā€¦and since I am 100% certain that nobody will heal me, I will drag someone else with me to the grave.

Do you have the young modifer

Or rather are you a kid


Rip you then