[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

my thought was if youre gonna die, we should try to get your personal win con done so you could still win

I actually forgot Magnus was in the game.

Dude. Even if my personal wincon is fulfilled, I still need my survivor wincon as well.

Unless your survivor win con is different than mine, you dont need to be alive.

People are discussing mechanics, time to ACTUALLY go.


Too vague, like helicopters arenā€™t in the police station they are outside

Find or survive or escapeā€¦ Dude. You do realize that for me to win post-mortem, you guys would need to find the cure, right?

ā€¦anyhow, even if you actually do that, I still wonā€™t win. My personal wincon requires me to be alive.

Welp. Fuck me then.

I dont think youre understanding the survivors wincon right. Its the wincon that the survivors faction as a while needs to win, similar to ToL where BD needs to defeat the unseen/cult, dead BD still win.

granted if your personal wincon requires you being alive, that sucks

I think otherwise. @eevee, clarify this please.

That would mean one person who escapes means everyone wins and I donā€™t think thatā€™s how it works

FK, is this a derpclear? If not, then I want him dead as well.

eevee told me I need to die or surivive with my [person wincon] and my faction to win as well

Again; my personal wincon requires me to be alive. Itā€™s not as if you can let a corpse punch people, or have a corpse find scraps.

iā€™ve asked eevee about this in my role PM
hopefully we can resolve this pretty soon

as long as I have what I need when I die, I can still win if Survivors win, hell my ability legit requires me to suicide

I have a scrap

What if we turned Zone into a zombie