[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

This is what happened ^. I didn’t know it would happen but it did so cool.

Read the damn first post already! 6 people got injured, and among them is me!

A grenade launcher wtf i got a lighter

@Icibalus, kill this newbie.

Oh yeah the injuries…

I see. Thank you!

Check out what Das got.

@Hippolytus, what else do you have?

well, maybe not almost always.
but its still a good idea.
what if a wolf somehow makes it into the townlock? you cant be that perfect that it will never happen. hence, rechecking the townreads

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The (my) big read problem is:

I want to add a bunch of people to my townreads but there has to be scum other than Blue so :man_shrugging:

Simon. I hard townread you. Don’t make me regret my decision.

Player Has Item
Astand “Non-consumable item”
Cheeki 4 Food + 1 Info Note
Das 1 Fuel
Derps Medkit (used to save himself)
Fossil 1 Grenade Launcher
FK Medkit (plans to use it on Hippo), 1 Scrap (traded with Mod for info)
Ici Book titled: “Positivity: How to achieve your smile?”
Hja “Machinebook” (i.e. troll-response)
Magnus 2 Food (other 2 were given to PKR)
NP 1 Scrap
PKR Medkit (used to save himself), 2 Food (given by Magnus)
Wazza “The Book of Death” (increase in morale)
Zone Nothing

Cheeki: Canadian land border is closed.

As of now, Simon, Cheeki and I are the only ones to have not been healed if FK heals Hippo.

Just a like heads up.

I started school today and I won’t be able to be on nearly as much anymore.

I’ll try and read as much as I can

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@sulit make those reads

I sacrificed my night for reads.

For starters; why is FK a townread then?

@sulit, what did you do last night? What did you find?

He isn’t to me anymore

I have him that only for now until I can get on my pc and change the spreadsheets.

He was at the colony because he was tied up.

Gimme the fuel i have a lighter i can blow shit up with it