[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Not mechanically no but im pretty confident hes town, esp as he is healing me lol

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So we are taking over the hospital unless you have a better idea on where to find a helicopter, do you Hippo?

By the way you would think the plane that dropped supplies would have rescued us

Screw it

/vote Das

Das needs to do some stuff before I can read them

@DasModel do stuff.

So about 50 dice?

Didnā€™t mean to say that in a reply


Time to do some math to figure out the best answer statistically

K I think I have gotten my reads sorted out.

Will say them when I get back on my computer.

@Hippolytus @Htm @Emilia

Our plan is simple. We go to the hopistal. We need one person to hunt for medical supplies, we need one person to check how many floors are there in the hospital and if thereā€™s a roof (usually thatā€™s where the helicopter is (I think)) and someone should go outside of the hopistal door to see if thereā€™s an ambulance

We actually need food soon

When people close borders does that mean that there is just a wall that blocks people/zombies from entering Canada. If so, couldnā€™t we still get a car and a ladder and get over the border. If a construction guy can build a green house with 5 scraps I guarantee you he can build a ladder with 1-2.

Iā€™m going to talk to the construction guy and see if heā€™s willing to build a ladder

We have a deadline for this btw

We could probably ask him to build a plane as well to go to Canada

So uh, who here can fly a plane/helicopter?

and one person to fight zombies

anywhere where there is a horde of zombies needs at least one person to fight them.
i have a strong suspicion that if they grow into larger amounts something quite bad will happen to those location.
note - this is not backed by anthing mechanical, it just seems like one of those moments

Im at the supermarket but ill be scavenging, unless I get food AP1