[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

I know Ici’s flavor. But I’m not going to reveal it without his permission.

okay who made @WeLynchDerpsToday and why

Well… The Meme Gang of FK, Hippo and Htm are planning to visit the Hospital while @Icibalus and @astand plan to take @NinjaPenguin and I to some place to reveal some secret information.

However, since we only have 2 areas where there aren’t any zombie hoardes, I say that -due to the Meme Gang’s annoying perseverance- Ici’s group will fail to have a meeting.


Isn’t that against the rules?

I don’t care. I am in favor of lynching Derps.

i mean if I had my way so would making a spreadsheet to puts read in but oh well
i’m just going to sit back and laugh at it

lol wtf

And hijask



did you make an alt and have it type in the thread so somebody would notice, thus spreading your message further?

I have no need for flavor. What I need is a dead man lynched by the end of this day.

Right. There you have it @DatBird; the Meme Gang.

So theres no open group, or can five people fit. Cause I really need to explore and I dont got any supplies so a group would be appreciated

I guess you could say that. Alright, being honest, they are all mostly meta read really. But I have play with Magnus in both FM and misc that I think I know his mindset

No I did not. Plus I wouldn’t have the time anyway. V/LA, remember?

I’m sorry, no.

You took me by surprise with this marriaage proposal and I need some time to think.

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excuse me while I laugh uncontrollably


Who the fuck is this person?

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Can I join, no but serious, the heck is going on?

@eevee. Is this a breach?