[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Anyway, as you can see i’ve played along and started discussing mechanics, but that can’t distract us from the real point of this game. I hate to reiterate this because it makes me feel like an asshole, but we need to find wolves.

Probably knowledge first. How would we know the cure initially without it?

wtf this is literally using common sense from almost anything.

Seriously, in almost everything the Scum’s goal is to defeat us.

This was literally a guess.

Except that it isn’t. If you can read the OP (Locations), then you will only see “Few”, “Some” and “Many”.
That isn’t quite exactly malleable by some passive skill.

i sure hope we have some kind of doctor or scientist to research that. i don’t think its sustainable for all of us to get to canada unless we magically find a bus or something

Get on it, PKR.

…I couldn’t resist.

If a Zombie bites a Human they turn into a Zombie. Therefore logic dictates that if a Human bites a Zombie they turn into a Human. Thus all we have to do is bite every zombie we see.

@PokemonKidRyan You have been chosen to test this out. Go bite a Zombie and let us know what happens.

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lol PKR

Aren’t you going to respond to mine or Zone’s post that completely proves your post wrong?

I bet there is a school bus at the school lol

that… is a nice fat chunk of common sense

If I wanted to block the gas station there are much better ways to do it then to ask hippo to come with ne

I’ll pass thanks, if you or FK want to try it though I’m fine with that.

How about we go to the gas station and then someone goes to the school to find a bus

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nAH tHAts ToO mUCh coMMoN sENse


That’s a good idea, but the school is infested. We need weapons first probably.

christ ici must have like scavenger class or something, how’d he find it already its a secret

i just want to say that I’m sorry, but not sorry enough to stop laughing