[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

From what I saw, definitely town.

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Give me the case. Iā€™ve been busy and want something to do before reading all of the thread.

@DasModel, stop complaining and start making those damn reads you promised.

So your contribution is suspecting the person pushing you?

Wait, if being inactive is suspicious then why am I being considered town?! Someone please help aid my confusion.

Itā€™s written slightly above but:

Derps claims to have the following ability: Exchange 4 food, suicide, +1 Doomsday Counter

Derps was wounded Yesternight

Derps claimed to have spent a medkit

ā€¦read this again and tell me: Why would a role that requires a suicide, heal himself?

Alt win condition. Thatā€™s all I can think of.

Speaking of, how much food do we have? Because if thereā€™s not much, we need to go to the supermarket.

FTR, I am at a point where -despite me 80% believing that Das is town- I want to leave Das be and self destruct himself for his bad play.

Derps also claimed to forget his action in the first action phase lol how can he have all that

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@DasModel, @Fossil, read this.

That sounds like bullshiiiit

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I did the same thing. I thought moving to a new location took up one of my actions when it didnā€™t seem to? I think? So I only used one action.

No. What? No! He never mentioned anything about it, and even if he would say it now, I would not believe him!

4 from Cheeki (wounded), 2 from Magnus and 2 from PKR.

Honestly, what it boils down to with this is, would you consider gunsmith a town skill or a traitor skill?

Yeah but you arent claiming to have a bunch of shit are you mate

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Not really. We can last 3 Days without eating.

So right now we can feed eight people. Not a great start.

Still DasModel is the way better vote.

Get on the DasModel train

/vote DasModel