[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

idk how none of you figured out that food was my personal wincon

Hah! Do you really think I am a traitor? Pot, meet kettle!

Anybody going to School?


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Probably due to the sketchiness of the whole business.

Iā€™m not reading 200 posts wtf guys

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scuse you who said im going to die?
backups on backups, man

(Can we pls stop twilight posting?)

oh, speaking of which,
@magnus remember what i asked you to do

((oh shoot sorry))

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Please explain. Still new to most FM terminology.

(a lynch has happened thus ur not supposed to talk until the host does the flip. So we have to wait for eevee, some mods modkill for excessive twilight posting so was trying to stop more modkills)


Iā€™ll share some with those who donā€™t ask but need.

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Which was?

(Oof Sorry didnā€™t notice, thread wasnā€™t locked)


(Shh donā€™t twilight post)

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(Who got lynched?)

(Read up)

I donā€™t think the day ends when majority is reached, and weā€™ve basically wasted twelve hours. Not sure, though. Point is I saw nothing in the mechanics that locked the lynch in. Not sure if thatā€™s just standard or not, though. If it is to be in the rules, though, then we still have time to talk.

(In every game twilight posting is banned, I really suggest to not to do it)