[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Didn’t you get a book before?
I’d be happy to have a book in exchange for food.

It’s reeaaallly not that useful.


PKR u have extra food right? And ur in the school? I have something I’m willing to exchange for it, but seeing is how I think we can only trade in the action phase I’ll tell ya then if u stay in school

I will

You can trade in the day phase I think

what are you going to trade him

Didnt u say u didnt receive the fuel from Das

I did and I think he was lying about giving it

Something I rather keep to myself and people I trust

I smell scams

Cool and what can I scam him with I’m willing to do the trade during action phase when yall dont need to hear it

make sure he shows you what he’s giving you and to injure him if he rips you off with a empty medicine bottle or something

trades don’t consume an action by the way

PKR, I don’t care what I give you, so long as its’ not medicine. But I need food to live.

Seeing as we’re in the same location then I’d like to hear what the offer is… I read Ici as Town but it annoys me, as I feel like I can see why Ici is saying giving the book isn’t worth it.

Ici, my biggest problem is I need medicine. If someone finds some for me then I’ll be helping you out with running duties back and forth.

What if his guys are the bandits

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Aw damn it… Sighs I’ll think about it.
Atm I feel like I may have to pick you due to my read on you.

What else do you have? Any scrap?

If you think I’m a villager, you don’t need anything in return. You just need to give me food so I can survive starvation.

I noticed them when I was running around during N1.
So I’d presume so.