[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

of course we’re near canada. i doubt that would be a wincon if we werent within a feasible driving/flying distance

@eevee what is the temperature in this apocalyptic place we’re in…?
For no particular reason, just might as well ask.

Also can you do the list of food / not food if you haven’t already?

why would eevee give us a list of who’s eaten.
thats not publicly available information

Simon I’m going to calculate how much fuel it would take to get to Canada from each of those states, and then try to find out how much fuel is in a fuel canister

assuming one jerry can is 1 full tank of fuel (over estimation but lmk here) from the east coast, say new york, it would easily take like 8 of those.
again this is an estimation, but its not extremely far off

Because we know who’s injured as they die in 1 day.
The same is with food, as people die in 1 day if they don’t eat.

@DatBird see how much fuel is in your car

How do I find how much gas it takes?

Looking at websites it just tells me how long

we dont know though.
tell me, have i eaten yet? is that information available to you?

@Fossil are you willing to come with dat me and hippo to the Canada border to win the game

We could probably fit people in the back as well

Simon want to come?

find the average gas mileage of the car and then its a simple distance-in-miles * gas/mile

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i need a plan i can agree with before i come, sorry

Fuel Mileage Information on Semi Trucks . Though the average tractor trailer fuel mileage of between 7 to 8 miles per gallon

We are working on that right now

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on the other hand, ive made a bit of progress toward my goal


Apparently this is a semi truck, I think we can straight up crash through the fence

Wait… Does this mean they die today and don’t get a night time?