[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Because I haven’t completed my fucking side-goal, obviously. Oh yes, AND YOU’RE A WOLF.

I’m not a wolf. You saying something doesn’t make it true. You yelling at me that I’m a wolf doesn’t make it true either.

You can’t respond to my points about this not being forum mafia because it’s true. Why are you pushing me despite me trying to complete my win condition and being this close?

Because you’re trying to kill the 5 people you convince to join with you.

Impossible, you cannot kill people you can only injure people this game. Even if I did injure all of them it would be worthless because they will just tell everyone the next day. As well there’s a guy who has a pistol and a grenade launcher, and there’s 5 other people there who could restrain me if I tried killing them.

5 for 1 is well known to be a good trade, especially since we’re moving into a NinjaPenguin mislynch right now, which would INSTANTLY WIN THE GAME. Also, you can fucking kill people, because breaking the engine mechanism just slightly enough and then pouring all the gas in would cause the engine to fucking explode with everybody inside the car, which would not just injure people but kill them.

Eevee would reward creativity with instant kills.

Break the fuel injector while nobody’s looking and you’ve turned the car into a bomb.

I’m not even voting ninja, despite the fact that he’s close to being lynched right now. There’s a storage area in the back of the semi truck and that’s where everyone besides dat is going to be. There’s no way I can stop the car or injure everyone if I’m stuck in the storage area.

But people will be looking. No one is going to be dumb enough to let only someone walk around by themselves.

Well, firekitten, there’s one problem. Even if you WEREN’T a wolf, it’s in the best intrests of everyone to get you or DatBird killed because you stand a chance of ending the game with our loss.

Fuck eevee for giving me a goal that can’t be completed in a way that’s congrous with winning the game, but I don’t fucking care. That truck’s never going to get to Canada, because you’ll sabotage it.


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Right now majority is 8. Meaning if we bring 8 people with us that means those 8 people out number the 7 others and we always win the game that way. You lost Icibalus.

“This game only makes sense if litten is wolf”
Truly ping worthy argument

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Yes, Litten, but the majority haven’t completed their personal wincons. I guarentee it.

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@DatBird we can straight up body block the entire game if we chose to bring 8 people with us to Canada. The 8 people can’t refuse winning the game while the 7 others will be mad.

Or it’s not going to get there because my wincon is absolutely horrendous, and I dont think I’ll ever get it done unless people litterally give me shit for free. I’m not leaving til it’s done, and that’s gonna take at least like 5 more days in no helps from my previous slot holder who did nothing towards it day1

Wow this hurt my fragile heart, joking aside. What do you want?

Why would you do that???

I have one scrap, one empty can food one fuel and two empty medicine bottles

what do you need

Litten, you’re really fucking arrogant if you think 8 people were lucky enough to get the piss-easy wincons you and hippo got.

Because we kind of need to since everyone is going to be voting to stop the truck because no one wants the game to end.

Icibalus is only voting me because he hasn’t completed his win condition.