[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Was nonsense he made up.

Ok then. Well once I get to work I wanna bring something up about it thatā€™s been annoying me

Class is about to start, will answe this when I get back

/vote DasModel with me you cretins

Im not a cretin so I will not.

So letā€™s talk about scum FK. Scum FK is very good at mafia. All his posts individually work and his mislynches seem to be in sound footing.
But what does scum FK lack? Paranoia and progression. His main flaw as scum is that he canā€™t treat his scumreads in a way that tonally fits what he thinks about them. When FK talks to you as scum, he knows youā€™re town and canā€™t get himself out of that mindset.
The way heā€™s treated me is classic scum FK and Iā€™ve tried to bait him the whole day to see it. When Iā€™m around, he acts and speaks to me as though he thinks Iā€™m town (e.g. talking to me about mechanics and says he wants me to know why all of his Memesky Cult TRs him, asks about my role in a way that acts as though itā€™s likely true, etc.). When Iā€™m around, he answers my questions to look into my alignment in vague ways. When Iā€™ve left, he immediately gets willing to bandwagon despite his progression on me not making sense. But whatā€™s damning about it is the fact that heā€™s all ā€œI have no scumreads and am not scumhuntingā€ and his reasoning isnā€™t Memesky stuff itā€™s the fact he thinks Iā€™m scum. This vast tonal gap between the way he talks to me and about me is exactly how FK operates as scum and Iā€™m so glad my bait actually worked.
This is the most classic FK scum cycle youā€™ve ever seen, and itā€™s exactly the same as happened both in VCFM and in MU Anniversary.
Sorry FK, but your time is up.

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If evildoer FK arrives in the colony before day end and I can check him, sure.

this post is technically superior to my walls but iā€™m going to pretend itā€™s not because it dosenā€™t have Fire Emblem chapter titles

Chapter 25: To Slay a Scum

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Also if my check goes through before the action phase, itā€™ll probably being FK getting voted not Das lmao.

Ninja, why not just cop FK if you have a cop check?
I donā€™t like going against my gut, you know what happened before when I didnā€™t push my gut with youā€¦

I canā€™t cop FK unless heā€™s in the colony.

because he can only cop people in the same place as him

to be frank @NinjaPenguin youā€™re probably better off peeking someone else whoose allignment is unclear as thatā€™s more valuable than a litten cop check imo

DasModel would be a good one.

Das is also not in the colony. I can cop Magnus or Blue but a FK scum flip makes that a total waste of time.

PKR you can move places without requiring an action right? Can you move people places without requiring an action?

I dunno. Iā€™ve been able to: Move, Search, Search, Move.
Itā€™s not really a free move as much as it is the fact that I can move somewhere do some things, then move out.

Okay then thereā€™s no way to guarantee FK is coming to the colony
/vote Firekitten
@DasModel Go to the colony tonight or you will be lynched tomorrow.

@astand are you online rn?

Im online sporadically, im on phone now.

Das is without question scum thats a waste