[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

he’s my wife

So u didnt take his injury

FK’s tone. Also his behaviour in the Hospital chat last night felt natural. I believe his role is very much pro-Town assuming there’s not a young traitor.

No, but I confirmed that I’m his husband.

Ok so when did u get a medkit?

From the hopistal.

Can u give us a rundown on what happened cause he seemed to convince both u and Zone last night

Oh action phase 2

Plot twist: Im the son and my wincon is to kill my father. Thats why Im against fk whole game.

But werent u at the gas station first so u searched and got it and then healed him as ur second action

Wouldn’t be surprised

That was N1. Are we talking about yesterday or N1?

So last night as in N2 action 1 search and u found a medkit, and action 2 was apply it

No. I healed myself during the day. And I healed hippo D2. I found a medkit action phase 2

You can heal during day what


But u said u found a medkit at the hospital that u were at N2

Yes I did. And I found it action phase 2 and applied it to myself today. What are you talking about?

Whats the list of injured again

You can heal for free iirc.
Same as eating food