[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

the cure is more likely than the bandits imo.
a helicopter is insanely valuble in these times and we’ve already annoyed one of them (the engineer)

Simon what do the bandits want however, If they wanted to escape using the helicopter they would have done so already. What they want are Food Matches and Medicine so everyone in their group survives IMO.

yeah but we dont have enough to trade for a helicopter, again an extremely valuable resource. even if they dont need to use it i doubt the dont know its value

Thing is they don’t need the helicopter. They have a useless piece of junk that they will never be able to get rid of. What we have is something that they can use. We are the only people who would buy that from them, so I think they will take what they can get.

Even if they don’t trade for a helicopter I think hippo possibly could trade them for food by giving them scraps and weapons.

Hippo needs food and medicine

What if we drove a tank through the border

i doubt that. you think we’re the only other group theve ran into or will run into? thats close minded. and again we do kinda need it so if they realize that they will get a good price from it or not let us have it

ok, sure, this suburban town has a tank somewhere.

They are in a military base

Wait it’s an airbase they only have helicopters

thats not something theyre going to give away for a bit of food and medicine

What WOULD they give it away for?

Wait. We have a grenade launcher and a pistol and matches and a scrap.

@Fossil come with us to the bandit camp

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We could trade your weapons for a helicopter

arent you going to the colony?

Ninja needs to go to the bandit camp because I want a helicopter

…bah. To think that I would have to lose to these guys.

Zone vote das.