[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Yet you think being on the same wagon as her is a good idea?

I gave best answers anyone could give

Objective reality doesn’t exist. We are in a matrix anyhow.

If it means to obstruct whatever NP wants; yes.

objective truth

Is it objective that objectivity doesn’t exist

As yourself; perhaps. Good work on that.

However, I am a hypocritical bastard when it comes to judging people. So… meh. Your response simply sucks IMO.

u don’t exist

The bandits are in a military base

Quadrourly reminder that Litten is a wolf and you should lynch him.

Wrong reminder get out of here

Why? I hold by my opinion, like I will switch it closer to EOD cause theres no reason not to give more time for people to talk, especiall me because I dont know if we are letting the scps out yet or waiting

no u

I already am by helicopter

@Boss110 how much food do you have cause I aint running in just to starve. We need to make sure this is possible first, lets talk out the numbers

okay I’ve said no u unironically, I’ve ticked off every single shitty thing that people do on the internet and done it for myself even though I don’t want to, can you let my family go now?


What’s this about?

Boss want to do the plan tonight, but I dont wanna starve so I wanna make sure we have the supplies to do it

I’d prefer it if you exited via rope.